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Schlitterbahn’s waterpark is a extremely large work space. With so many people working in the park, it’s overwhelming to keep track of where the staff is at all times, not to mention when they leave their post unattended.


Creating an app where managers, supervisors, and lifeguards can locate and communicate with each other in the park can help make the working environment more convenient and efficient. 

This app is specifically made for Supervisors and managers. working at Schlitterbahn waterpark. There are two parks for the New Braunfels, Tx Schlitterbahn, the East Side and the West Side that can be viewed in sections. Its overall goal is to track the staff that are working in or around the water area. There will be a tracking device attached to the employees name tag that can be identified by the app. You also have an option to view the schedule for the day in a written format, make an alert, view other alerts from management, and view profiles.



There are three different trackers to identify the position of the employee.


Lead Guards



App Design

New Braunfels Schlitterbahn has two different sides to the park. With this app you can view both parks in sections making it a simpler way to locate a staff member.

The Post page shows all the alerts that the managers and supervisors have posted for keeping others aware of situations and finding help.

schlitterbahn app mock up.png

If you are looking for a specific employee, there is a search browser where you can type their name and then it will directly take you to the section of the park that they are working in.

When the pins are clicked it shows you the information of the employee who is working that spot.

There is also an option to view the staffs schedule in a list format. Then the user can view all the staff that is working all at once.

Although, the main source of communication is through walkies talkies the Alert page is a back up and alternative way for management and supervisors to inform each other about things that need attention in the park.



The user has access to an inbox to receive messages from their alerts or management.

Maps courtesy of Schiltterbahn Water Park

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